Sunday, June 5, 2011


Meet more Famous Ohioans.

Thomas Edison (Morgan Mead)
Anyone know what he invented?
One of my favorite things... The light bulb!
Edison also has 1093 patents in his name.
I know now you want to go look and see what else he invented, don't you?  

Jack Hannah (Kaia Newberry)
He isn't from Ohio but he became famous why he lived here.

Woody Hayes (Jillian McDougal)
Woody almost ran out of gas while driving in Michigan because he refused
to buy gas in the state of Michigan.  

James Jeffries (Parker Davis)
James was a world heavy weight champion. 

Judy Resnik (Emma Bentz)
Judy was an engineer  and astronaut on the Space Shuttle Challenger.
She died January 28, 1986 when the shuttle exploded during take off.
I remember were were off school that day and the TV was on and we were watching the launch.
Sad day in history! 

Halle Berry (Madeline Elfrink)
Halle is an actress, model, and beauty queen.

Phyliss Diller (Chloe Merriman)
She is an actress and comedienne.  She was known for her crazy hair!

Clark Gable (Cada Schmidt)
Clark is giving my mom his autograph.
Clark is my mom's favorite actor of all time.
My mom went home and watched Gone with the Wind for the
millionth time after meeting him Thursday.  

Phyliss Diller (Sophie Compton)
There were 2 Phyliss Diller's at the fair.
She was also know for her crazy laugh.  

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